We Seek Wisdom Through God.

Who we are

Grand Salai is a  day and boarding Nursery and Primary School for boys and girls. At Grand Salai Nursery and Primary School, children are taught both Secular and theology studies in order to produce upright  and intelligent citizens.

Motto Vision & Mission

We Seek Wisdom Through God


To produce Upright and Intelligent Citizens


To promote Affordable & Quality Education


Our Values

Nurturing All around Citizen both Academically and in the Theological doctrines

Our Team



Dear parents and Guardians,

I welcome your child to Grand Salai Junior and Primary School, where Academic, Religious, Health, and Social well being all matter as one.

Our Teaching and Support staff work passionately towards transforming the generation into a disciplined and independent Citizens.ENROLL NOW

Mr. Ramathan Kironde

Head Teacher

Welcome to Grand Salai Junior and Primary School Website.

I greet you in the name of the Almighty lord and invite you to a our mighty institution . Your visit to our extensive website and physical location  in Kasubi gives you a learning about the school, all activities and events held and engages you to our first growing  GS community.

With a vibrant management team studious staff, dedicated pupils towards academic descpline and theology studies superses the imagination of many.

Join our holistic learning environment very fast and in style.

Mrs. Nassozi Racheal

Director of Studies

Grand Salai Junior School has two sections ie Upper section Campus  and Lower primary Campus.


We run a duo-circular ie theology  and Secular, with highly trained, experienced and caring staff.

The ratio of  teacher to pupils  is to the standard of ministry  of Education and Sports which has led to the best performance around  Kampala. 


Our School has a sitting Center